Follow Up Boss Integration Guide Print

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In order to integrate your RWS Dashboard account with your Follow Up Boss account, you must enable the feature in the settings and add the FUB API Key. You can easily create a new API Key by going into your Follow Up Boss account.  

Within your account settings, you must enable the FUB Integration and your Enter your Follow Up Boss API Key. 

Enable Auto Push to automatically send your leads to Follow Up Boss. This will automatically push event data to Follow Up Boss. There are two types of events pushed to Follow Up Boss, Events and Email Events.  

Event Data Types:

  1. Registration
  2. Inquiry
  3. Seller Inquiry
  4. Property Inquiry
  5. Viewed Property
  6. Saved Property
  7. Property Search
  8. Saved Property Search

Event Data Types:

  1. delivered - Email was sent out to a recipient.
  2. open - Recipient opened the email.
  3. click - Recipient clicked on a link in the email.
  4. Bounced - Recipient email delivery failed.


  1. Push a Message into FUB
    • The lead is pushed as an Event for the contact. 
    • If the contact doesn’t exist in your FUB list then the contact is created. 
    • If the contact exists in your FUB list then the contact is updated.
    • The response is stored in the message metadata. The FUB ID is returned in the response from the FUB API. The FUB ID is required for the prospect to push email events. Email events include click, open and bounce tracking for automated drip email marketing. 
    • If the message is converted into a prospect then the FUB ID is stored in the prospect’s metadata.
    • If you want to automatically push leads into FUB immediately upon submission, then enable Auto Push in the FUB Integration settings.
    • From the view message page you can push the lead into FUB by clicking the “✩ Push to FUB” button. This action will tag the contact with the message subject in FUB. The Message ID and Prospect ID can also be stored as a custom field for the contact in FUB.
    • Automatically push leads into FUB immediately upon submission.
  2. Push a Prospect into FUB
    • The lead is pushed as an Event for the contact. 
    • If the contact doesn’t exist in your FUB list then the contact is created. 
    • If the contact exists in your FUB list then the contact is updated.
    • The prospect then the FUB ID is stored in the prospect’s metadata.
    • If you want to automatically push prospects into FUB immediately upon submission, then enable Auto Push in the FUB Integration settings.
    • From the Prospect Profile page you can push the prospect to FUB by going to “⛭Actions” then clicking the “✩ Push to FUB” button. This action will tag the contact as Prospect in FUB. The Prospect ID can also be stored as a custom field for the contact in FUB.
    • Automatically push new prospects into FUB immediately upon registration/conversion.
  3. Push a Favorite Listing into FUB
    • Automatically push a prospect’s Favorite Listing into FUB immediately upon creation. This action will tag the contact as Saved Property in FUB.
  4. Push a Saved Search into FUB
    • Automatically push a prospect’s Saved Search into FUB immediately upon creation. This action will tag the contact as Saved Search in FUB.
  5. Push Email Events into FUB
    • If you want to automatically push prospects into FUB immediately upon the following events occurring email delivered, email opened, email clicked and email bounced. In order to push the email event the prospect must have a FUB ID in their metadata. If the FUB ID is missing, then you can use the Push to FUB feature located on the prospect’s profile page. After you push the prospect, the FUB ID will appear in the prospect’s metadata.
    • Automatically push email events into FUB immediately upon occurrence.

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