Template Overrides Print

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In order to give the web designer flexibility to customize the real estate website design and functionality, template overrides have been included for specific plugin layouts.  The plugin allows for overrides of the default “views” files. Edited  “views” files must be placed in the theme directory using the following subdirectory “/rws_idx-templates/views”. These files will act as overrides for the plugin “view” files and will save you from overwriting your edits in the plugin directory when the plugin is updated.

Example Override Path: localhost/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/rws_idx-templates/views/

Template Overrides also allow for flexibility in adapting the plugin to different Multiple Listing Systems. The RWS IDX Plugin is primarily designed for the FAR IDX. Using template overrides the plugin can be adapted to other Multiple Listing Systems, like RETS. The main difference between these systems is the mapping of the listing data.

The RETS data is different because it includes both Active and Sold listings. The RETS data also classifies the listings into distinct property types (for example Residential, Commercial etc.). The different "property types” have different data structures. The RETS data structures affect how listing information is displayed and queried.

List of possible override “views” files:

  1. "views/search_form.php", - customize the search form options - RETS Custom

  2. "views/signup_modal.php", - customize the signup prompt message

  3. "views/search_toolbar.php",- customize the search toolbar

  4. "views/filter_toolbar.php",- customize the search toolbar, used with [search_idx] and [filter_idx] advanced search results

  5. "views/listing_detail.php",- customize the listing detail display - RETS Custom

  6.  "views/listing_tools.php", - customize the listing tools like favorite listing

  7.  "views/listing_item.php",- customize the listing item display - RETS Custom

  8.  "views/listing_item_list.php",- customize the listing item display, used with [search_idx] and [filter_idx] advanced search results - RETS Custom

  9.  "views/listing_item_featured.php", - RETS Custom

  10.  "views/listing_item_carousel.php", - RETS Custom

  11.  "views/widget-listing_item.php",- Wrapper file for Featured Listings

  12.   "views/widget-listing_item_carousel.php", - Wrapper file for Featured Carousel Widget

  13.   "views/widget-listing_item_featured.php",- Wrapper file for Featured Widget

  14.   "views/quicksearch.php", - Quick Search form using shortcode within posts and pages

  15.   "views/widget-search.php", - Quick Search form within theme widget area.

  16.    "views/widget-user.php", - Display User Login and Signup widget

  17.    "views/widget-contact_form.php", - Display User Login and Signup

  18.      "views/disclaimer.php", - Customize Disclaimer.

  19.     "views/map-icons.php", - Map Icon association with property types  - RETS Custom

  20.     "views/user-signup.php", - User signup page

  21.     "views/user-profile.php", - User profile page

  22.     "views/user-prospect.php",- Admin prospect detail page

  23.     "views/idx_features.php", - Feature list in array format. - FAR IDX Only

  24.     "views/idx_features_cat.php", - Feature category list in array format. - FAR IDX Only

  25.    "views/idx_ptypes.php", - Property types in array format. - RETS Custom

  26.    "views/idx_cities.php" - Cities list in array format. - RETS Custom

  27.    "views/idx_filters.php" - Custom filters to display on advanced search results page in array format. Enable custom filters MUST be set to Yes in settings.

RETS Custom - Requires custom template override files in order to map to RETS data

Note: Template override files cannot be left blank. Override files require a minimum 15 characters. If you choose to leave blank, use PHP comment code like /* intentionally left blank */.

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