Missing Listing - Property is in MLS but does not display on website Print

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If a listing is in the MLS but does not display on the website, please note the MLS number and submit a support ticket.

In some cases, a property does not appear on the website because the IDX option was not enabled when the listing was entered into the MLS. It is very important to ensure that the property is properly configured in the MLS. Most MLS Boards require that the listing be enabled to display in the IDX datafeed. Please verify your listing in the MLS, and make sure the IDX is enabled.

A few reasons why some listings do not show up on the website search results.

  1. Listing does not have Listing on Internet: Yes
  2. Listing does not have Internet Sites: Broker Reciprocity
  3. Brand new listing that has been just entered
  4. Listing status has changed from pending to expired
  5. Listing does not belong to your MLS Board

In order to help troubleshoot missing listings please provide the MLS numbers.

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